Not Wikipeda compatible licenced info graphic about Wikipedia

The licence of this info graphic, provided bei, prevents the use of it on Wikipedia because it’s license „Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0)“ prohibits derivates. I can’t create a German version of it and share it. Too bad.

Wikipedia Facts & Figures
English Wikipedia Facts & Figures. Info graphik compiled by, CC BY-ND 2.0,

P. S. The graphic uses the Wikipedia Logo „Puzzle Ball„. This is what the Wikimedia Foundation says about the use of it:

© & ™ All rights reserved, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

This image (or parts of it) is copyrighted by the Wikimedia Foundation. It is (or includes) one of the official logos or designs used by the Wikimedia Foundation or by one of its projects. Use of the Wikimedia logos and trademarks is subject to the Wikimedia trademark policy and visual identity guidelines, and may require permission.

IMHO the puzzle ball needs to have a ® right next to it. But what do I know.

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