Forecast is shutting down on July 1

Wie schade. Forecast war ein Dienst, mit dem mitteilen konnte, wohin man in absehbarer Zukunft zu gehen gedenkt – somit wurde Foursquare um die Dimension „Zukunft“ erweitert.

From: Forecast

Date: 2012/6/28

Subject: Forecast is shutting down on July 1

The time has come for Forecast to shut its doors.  Starting on July 1,
our mobile apps and website will not work.

Although we’re passionate about building great products that help
people connect in the real world, we have run out of resources to keep
the Forecast project afloat. We sincerely appreciate you taking the
time to try our app, and we hope that it brought you some value.

If you have any questions, comments, or just want to keep in touch,
don’t hesitate to email us!


René Pinnell and Team Forecast

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